Parker Fund

Parker Fund

The Parker Fund

The Parker Fund relieves the University’s dependence on tuition to meet operating costs. Currently, tuition revenue only covers 70% of the operating budget of the university. As our number of students and academic programs continue to grow, we are committed to providing a transformational education experience for each and every student.

The Parker Fund is the university’s annual giving program that supports financial aid, academic innovation, student life initiatives, and campus enhancements. This renewable, unrestricted fund enables Parker’s leadership to respond to immediate needs, unexpected opportunities, and fresh ideas.
Since annual gifts to The Parker Fund can be put to use as they come in, they are an essential complement to gifts of endowment.

The Parker Fund supports five main areas:

Student Scholarships

Parker strives to ensure that students who want to pursue an education here have the scholarship and financial support they need. 99% of students receive financial aid at Parker.

Faculty Development

The Parker Fund helps ensure that our faculty maintain their recognition as experts in their profession, have the ability to conduct research and have the resources they need to utilize new technology in the classroom.

Student Development

The Parker Fund helps support programming and initiatives through student senate, student organizations, honor societies and professional societies which helps enable students to develop themselves as future leaders for their profession and communities.

Student Health and Well-Being

Student success is predicated on having a sound mind and body. The Parker Fund supports essential services for our students including intramurals, Chiro Games, counseling services and the Standard Process Student Activity Center which are available to all students.

Campus Enhancements

With a growing campus population and new academic programs, Parker strives to enhance all of our facilities in a way that provides for an optimal educational experience. The Parker Fund helps support technology advancements, energy-efficient building enhancements, the creation of new student spaces, laboratory upgrades, and general facility maintenance.

Donating to Parker University

Participation in Parker University is also an important indicator of alumni engagement—a message to corporations and foundations who might offer large gifts that the alumni support their University.

A commitment to Parker University is an ongoing “vote of support” for Parker.